Meditation on Emptiness
One Day Retreat, 27 June 2020, 10am
‘In Buddhism, emptiness has great meaning. It is the real nature of things, and is a very profound and meaningful object. If we realize emptiness directly we will attain permanent liberation from all the sufferings of this life and countless future lives; there is no greater meaning than this’.
From How to Transform Your Life by Venerable Geshe Kelksang Gyatso.
By meditating on the true nature of things, emptiness, we can realize that everything is a mere appearance to the mind, like a dream. Thinking in this way our wisdom increases, we can let go of grasping, heal ourselves and live lightly in our world.
The retreat will focus on the chapter “Ultimate Bodhiochitta” in the book Modern Buddhism by the internationally renowned meditation master Geshe Kelsang Gyasto Rinpoche, with particulate emphasis on the meditation ‘A simple training in ultimate bodhichitta’ during the four guided meditations.
You are encouraged to download a copy of Modern Buddhism (or How to Transform Your Life) for the retreat and read the chapter ‘Ultimate Bodhichitta’ in either book.
The teacher for this retreat is Kelsang Jangchub.
Watch with Catch-up
- The four parts of the day retreat will appear below after the live sessions
- Please use the Playlist function to select the part you wish to view (player window top right)
- Password – please see joining instructions email or register here
- The retreat will be available online until 10:30pm on Monday 29/06/20
Recommended Reading During the Retreat
The retreat will focus on the chapter “Ultimate Bodhichitta” from the book How to Transform Your Life by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso – available as a gift from the author as a free eBook. You are encouraged to download a copy of the book and read this chapter during the retreat.
The four guided meditations during the retreat will follow the section ‘A Simple Training in Ultimate Bodhichitta” found towards the end of the chapter “Ultimate Bodhichitta”.
Liberating Prayer & Prayers for Meditation
We will recite Liberating Prayer as part of the two morning meditation sessions and Prayers for Meditation as part of the two afternoon sessions of the retreat.
You can find Liberating Prayer and Prayers for Meditation in the appendix of How to Transform Your Life, see below for links to download as a free eBook.
Please use LiveChat to share comments, ask questions and give feedback during the retreat. We may share comments and questions during the event without mentioning your name.
If you’re following the retreat after the live event, you can follow up with questions and comments by emailing livestream@kmcnottingham.org